Now It's Easier Than Ever To Get In The Game• Your child will enjoy playing with balls that bounce lower and move slower through the air, making them easier to hit.
• Racquets are sized for small hands, making them easier to grip and swing. • Courts are smaller, so kids can cover them and have more success when they play. • Kids have more fun—and want to play more often. • Tennis is a sport that gets kids moving, improves balance, agility and hand-eye coordination, and can teach self-confidence and self-assurance. • Playing tennis, your child can make new friends in a safe, supportive environment. • Your whole family can play together anywhere–driveways, gyms and playgrounds can all be transformed into your very own tennis court. By getting your kids into the game you’ll be opening a door to a lifetime of enjoyment! |
Tennis Equipment Sized Just Right for Kids
Can you imagine sending your child out to play baseball for the first time with the same-sized bat and ball they use in the major leagues? Of course not. Yet, until recently, young players have used adult-sized racquets and yellow tennis balls to play on the same sized courts that are used at the US Open. With racquets, balls and courts sized to fit their needs and abilities, kids will feel successful right from the start. Research shows that when it comes to sports, kids just want to have fun. With 10 and Under Tennis, kids have more fun right from the start -- and that keeps them coming back for more!